Avoiding Heatstroke (Hyperthermia) With Your Dog or Cat
Heatstroke (also known as "hyperthermia") can be a life-threatening condition and as such, it requires immediate treatment.
. . Heatstroke occurs when a pet's body absorbs more heat than it is able to release and the pet's internal temperature increases above normal levels. A dog's normal body temperature is 101.0- 102.5 degrees...
Dogs and Heat Stroke
Ever wonder what it feels like for a dog helplessly trapped in a hot car? Watch this brief video by Veterinarian Ernie Ward to get an idea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbOcCQ-y3OY Within just 30 minutes, even with the windows cracked, the temperature inside the car climbed to a sweltering 117 degrees. While most of us here...