Flea and Tick Season is Here! Are You Ready?
Summer is almost here and the weather is warming. With that comes the increase in flea and tick populations. Now is the time to address this annoying issue in our pets, before an infestation can occur.
When we are performing exams dogs and cats here at the Bothell Pet Hospital, we commonly find fleas on the pet. Not every pet shows obvious signs, such as itchiness or secondary skin issues, so the owners are often surprised. If we only find one or two fleas, be aware that this is just proverbial “tip of the iceberg.” Every female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day and about 2,000 over its lifetime. So, over the course of a month, there can potentially be more than 60,000 fleas in your home. Also, the flea only spends a short amount of its lifespan on the pet; it takes its blood meal, then jumps off to live in the environment. The problem may be much more significant than we are able to see.

There are two main ways to provide parasite control; oral chews/pills or topical applications. There are so many different flea treatments, both over the counter and by prescription, that it can be overwhelming to choose. At Bothell Pet Hospital, our doctors make the decision on what we carry based on scientific data evaluating overall effectiveness and safety. We highly recommend Bravecto, a flea and tick product that provides 12 weeks of protection. For dogs, it comes as a palatable chew and for cats as a topical solution. We also carry Activyl, a shorter acting topical treatment, for both dogs and cats.
Once the pet is treated, the infestation in the environment also needs to be addressed. Adult fleas, as well as immature life stages of this parasite live off the pet. It is important to vacuum any carpeting, flooring, and upholstery (and throw away the bag), as well as wash bedding (both pet and family) in hot water. If these measures do not prove sufficient, consider steam cleaning the carpets, or using an area treatment spray.
In the last few years, we are starting to see an increase in the incidence of ticks on pets that come into the hospital. There are also reported cases of tick-borne diseases in the area that could cause serious health concerns. Therefore, it is helpful to use a product that addresses these parasites as well.
If you are having trouble tackling the flea problem, or just have questions give us a call at 425.486.3251. Be sure to ask us- we have answers!

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[…] a monthly flea control product recommended by your […]