Tag - fleas

All About Fleas - Part 2 of 2

All About Fleas – Part 2 of 2

In our last blog post, we discussed fleas with a focus on identification, transmission, and associated illnesses. If you missed it, please refer to "Fleas 101" for July 2016. This month we will focus more closely on prevention and treatment. Thankfully flea treatments have come a long way from the days...

All About Fleas - Part 1 of 2

All About Fleas – Part 1 of 2

Ahhh, summer!  What's better than a Western Washington summer, with our warm days and still enough moisture to keep our beautiful, lush greenery?  We all love it, and so do our pets, but unfortunately, we have some unwelcome guests that love it too... Fleas! Fleas thrive in warm, moist weather.  Since we...

Doggone Itch

That Doggone Itch!

By Naomi Keiper DVM One of the more common reasons for dogs to visit the veterinarian is itchy skin. Pruritus (itch) can be a frustrating condition for both owners and veterinarians due its many complex underlying causes and the challenges in achieving adequate control in some dogs. Every patient presenting for itch...

Henry’s Unwelcome Guests—fleas and other parasites

Henry’s Unwelcome Guests—fleas and other parasites

The weather is thankfully warming up this spring, and we as veterinarians find ourselves preparing to see an increased incidence of pets with fleas, the occasional tick, and discussing parasites in general as our dogs and cats become more active outdoors with us.  This month, we'd like to address a...

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