Cat of the Month November 2018: Dirty Paws
At Bothell Pet Hospital, we tend to fall in love with all of our patients. (We really, really like our clients, too!) And we thought it was time to start honoring these wonderful fur babies with whom we get to work each and every day. So we’re kicking off a new series: Cat of the Month and Dog of the Month.
Our first kitty to whom we bestow the honor of Bothell Pet Hospital Cat of the Month is an incredibly sweet boy named Dirty Paws. He’s 18.5 years old, and he’s been coming into the hospital every day for fluids for several months. Most cats tolerate getting fluids, but Dirty Paws actually snuggles on our nurses’ shoulders during the process.
And he also is a big snuggler at home. “He lays on my chest every night and usually sleeps under the covers with me,” says owner Joey Coverdale. “He is so affectionate.”

Joey adopted Dirty Paws in November 2005. “He was living with a couple in the cab of a truck near the trail where I ran daily,” she says. “I got to know them, and one day they asked if I could take Dirty Paws for a week while their truck was being repaired. I remember fishing him out of that truck. It was such a cold day—he was up under the glove box.”
Fortunately, Dirty Paws got along very well with Joey’s then Rottweiler named Boo. Unfortunately, Dirty Paws was coughing and wheezing pretty badly. So Joey brought him to BPH, where she spent about $300 for bronchial dilators and prednisone. The doctors could tell that Dirty Paws was living in a compromised breathing environment, which was the case, as the couple both smoked.
“Two weeks later, the owners called and said the truck was fixed,” Joey remembers. “I told them that the could have Dirty Paws back if they promised to not smoke with the windows rolled up, and they said they would not, so I got myself a very special boy. It took me almost a year with many trips to BPH before he breathed normally.”

But all that’s history, and Dirty Paws took no time acquainting himself to his new surroundings. “He’s the greeter of the neighborhood,” Joey says. “He comes up to everyone who walks by and wants up on every lap. He always waits in the bushes for me to get home from work, even in the pouring rain, so that he can escort me to the door. Yes, I have a very dependable escort service!”
In addition, Dirty Paws goes on a nightly walk with Joey and her dog, Shia, and keeps up with them … for the most part. If Joey and Shia get too far ahead, Dirty Paws lets out a meow, as if to say, “Wait for me!”
Dirty Paws has brought so much joy to so many people, and we’re deeply saddened to say that he has gone missing as of October 24, 2018. However, we are still remaining hopeful that this wonderfully sweet boy will return home safely.
“I am devastated that he might be gone,” Joey says. “The wonderful staff at BPH made flyers for me, and six of the staff members came over on two very rainy nights to hang up flyers all over downtown Bothell. How amazing! It shows not only what caring and loving people work there, but how Dirty Paws captured their hearts also.”
And capture our hearts he absolutely has! Thank you, Joey, for being a part of the Bothell Pet Hospital family. We are all still praying that he will be found. If anyone sees Dirty Paws, please contact Bothell Pet Hospital immediately: (425) 486-3251. Thank you!
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