
Updated Spay and Neuter Recommendations

Updated Spay and Neuter Recommendations

By Dr. Kim Hsu, Bothell Pet Hospital It has been said that practicing medicine is an art. Doctors continuously make recommendations that affect the health and well-being of their patients both short and long-term. The latest technology, new research findings, and owners’ resources all factor in to our diagnostic and treatment...

Ear Infections (Otitis Externa) in a Dog or Cat

Ear Infections (Otitis Externa) in a Dog or Cat

Image by German photographer Elke Vogelsang It's time for a pop quiz! What is the number one reason for vet visits? If you said ear infections, you're right! According to Veterinary Pet Insurance, this was the number one reason for canine vet visits in 2015. It also made the top 10 for...

Assessing and Treating Your Pet's Oral Health

Assessing and Treating Your Pet’s Oral Health

Here at Bothell Pet Hospital, we have a passion for practicing good veterinary medicine and a true desire to advance our dental skills. Recently our technicians attended a dental seminar at the Animal Dental Training Center in Baltimore focused on oral health, assessment, radiology, and treatment. The seminar was taught by...

Why Does My Dog or Cat Have Bad Breath?

Why Does My Dog or Cat Have Bad Breath?

Bad breath is not normal, and it is not just "something you have to put up" with if you have a pet. Bad breath is usually a sign of oral disease—approximately 70-80% of pets have signs of oral disease by age 3. From Plaque to Tartar to Periodontal Disease Plaque, a sticky...

About Leptospirosis

About Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is an infectious disease that occurs worldwide and is emerging as a more common diagnosis in the Puget Sound area. It is caused by the spiral-shaped bacteria Leptospira, of which there are several serovars (strains) of significance. There are 8 main serovars that cause disease in dogs; meanwhile cats can...

Vaccinate a Dog and Save a Child’s Life

Vaccinate a Dog and Save a Child’s Life

Photo courtesy of NPR Although rabies is under control in developed countries, it still kills more than 60,000 people each year—most of them children in Africa and Asia. By partnering with the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health at Washington State University, our clinic is working to help put...

Summer Safety Tips for your Pets

Summer Safety Tips for your Pets

Did you know that on a 73 degree day, the inside of a car can reach temperatures up to 100 degrees in just 15 minutes? Even when you are parked in the shade with the windows cracked, this can still happen. Pets left in vehicles can suffer heat stroke and death...

7 Facts about Medications for Dogs and Cats

7 Facts about Medications for Dogs and Cats

Did you know that one acetaminophen (Tylenol) tablet can kill a cat? Or that giving ibuprofen to a dog can cause serious gastrointestinal side effects? Presented below are 7 important facts to know about medications administered to dogs and cats: #1 Many medications and anesthetic agents we use are also used in...

Are You Ready For The Off-Leash Dog Park?

Are You Ready For The Off-Leash Dog Park?

Photo of dogs enjoying Marymoor Park, courtesy of SODA (Save Our Dog Areas) Dog parks are designed to provide a place where dogs can run free off-leash and socialize with other dogs. We are fortunate to live in an area that has several off-leash parks for us to choose from. But are...

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