Tag - veterinary

Diabetes Mellitus in Cats

Diabetes Mellitus in Cats

Diabetes Mellitus is the second most common endocrine disease in cats. The disease affects the pancreas, which is located along the stomach and small intestine.

The pancreas has two different types of cells. One group secretes enzymes necessary for proper digestion, and the other group, called beta-cells, releases insulin hormone...

Hot Spots in Dogs

Hot Spots in Dogs

Hot Spots (known in the veterinary world as "Acute Moist Dermatitis") are a common skin disorder in dogs. Hot spots can appear suddenly and become red, moist, irritated lesions in a very short period of time. The lesions are often raw looking and can be very painful.

What causes hot...

Traveling with Pets

Traveling with Pets

Now that we're starting to see "sun breaks" here in the Pacific Northwest, we're starting to think about all of the places we'd like to travel…  Although traveling is not ideal for all pets (some dogs and cats would much prefer you bring them a souvenir instead), planning ahead can save...

Ear Infections In Dogs

Ear Infections In Dogs

Ear infections in dogs are most often due to bacteria or yeast in the ear canal.

This can be triggered by a number of things, including ear mites, hair growth in the ear canal, a foreign body, trapped water, allergies, hypothyroidism—even frequent swimming or bathing can lead to infection. Once an...

Cancer in our pets

Cancer in Our Pets

The mere mention of “cancer” often conjures thoughts of angst, fear, and grief. Unfortunately, at Bothell Pet Hospital, as in most veterinary clinics, we deal with cancer on a daily basis. It seems as though everyone knows someone who is fighting cancer, if not themselves; and it is...

Hiking Safely with your Dog

Hiking Safely with your Dog

Fall is a great time for hiking in our beautiful Northwest wilderness. Many dogs enjoy hiking and backpacking along with their owners… including Dr. Kovar's own Shane, pictured here. Here are the ASPCA's expert tips to ensure your dog's safety as you explore the great outdoors: Pack...

Neurologic Diseases in Dogs and Cats

Neurologic Diseases in Dogs and Cats

“Neurologic disease” refers to disease affecting the nervous system, which is comprised of the brain, spinal cord and nerves throughout the body. Very similar to ours, a dog or cat’s nervous system can be affected by numerous disease processes. These processes can be traumatic, inflammatory or infectious, degenerative, neoplastic and sometimes...

Beloved Brody

Beloved Brody

We would like to dedicate this blog post to our long time technician Rachel and her beloved dog, Brody. Brody was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, which is heartbreaking to us all. Rachel is letting Brody live every day he has left to the fullest, and we...

Pet Allergies

Pet Allergies

This month’s topic is allergies. So many of our patients are affected that it was hard to select just one “case of the month.” The most common types we see here are atopy (inhalant allergies), food, and flea. The diagnosis can be difficult, especially since some patients have multiple reactions.

Safety Tips for Your Dog or Cat on July 4

Safety Tips for Your Dog or Cat on July 4

The upcoming 4th of July holiday is one that most of us humans love, but it can be terrifying for most dogs and cats. The noise from fireworks can cause pets anxiety and fear, and many pets will bolt at the sound of the loud explosions. Below are some steps you...

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